Galapagos Penguin – Spheniscus Mendiculus

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Galapagos Penguin – Spheniscus Mendiculus

galapagos penguin

조유 Fast Facts:

Type: Bird
Diet: Carnivore
Size: 50-53cm
Group name: Pack
Protection status: Endangered
Size relative to a 135cm man:
조유 Maps:
조유 Further Facts:

Galápagos Penguins can’t find food because of El Niño…

The Galápagos Penguin lives on tropical islands. This is an unusual penguin! What’s sad about it, is its numbers are becoming fewer because of the El Niño weather pattern. When El Niño happens, ocean water gets warmer, and the fish that Galápagos Penguins feed on will die. Nobody knows what causes El Niño.

Ocean waste is a big problem!

Many Galápagos Penguins are dying because of people’s carelessness. The penguins can get stuck in fishing nets. They are also being damaged by dirty water in the ocean. Oil spills are very dangerous to the Galápagos Penguins. Oil spills happen when a boat carrying oil has an accident. The ocean is quickly dirtied, and Galápagos Penguins t are in danger.

By minwool

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