Asian Elephant – Elephas maximus

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Asian Elephant – Elephas maximus

asian elephant

포유류 Fast Facts:

Type: Mammal
Diet: Herbivore
Average life span in the wild: Up to 60 years
Size: Height at the shoulder, 6.6 to 9.8 ft (2 to 3 m)
Weight: 2.25 to 5.5 tons (2,041 to 4,990 kg)
Group name: Herd
Protection status: Endangered
Size relative to a 6-ft (2-m) man:

Illustration: Asian elephant compared with adult man

포유류 Map:

Map: Asian elephant range


포유류 Further Facts:


포유류 Video Clip:


By minwool

Southern Rockhopper Penguin – Eudyptes chrysocome

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Southern Rockhopper Penguin – Eudyptes chrysocome

Southern rockhopper penguin

The aptly named Rockhopper penguins hop with extraordinary agility to get around the steep, rocky islands where they live and breed.

조유 Fast Facts:

Type: Bird
Diet: Carnivore
Size: 45–58 cm (18–23 in)
Weight: 2–3.4 kg
Group name: Pack
Protection status: Endangered
조유 Video Clip:
By minwool

Northern Bald Ibis – Geronticus eremita

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Northern Bald Ibis – Geronticus eremita


Northern bald ibis


The Northern Bald Ibis vanished from Europe almost completely in the 17th century because people hunted it for food. There are a small number of habitats in North Africa, but they are still on the brink of extinction because their population has yet to increase.



조유 Fast Facts:

Type: Bird
Diet: Carnivore
Size: 80cm
Group name: Pack
Protection status: Endangered
Size relative to a 135cm man:
조유 Maps:
조유 Further Facts:

Vanished from Europe in the 17th century

The Northern Bald Ibis features spiked feathers on its head, a featherless face, and a long curved beak. At one time, they existed in large numbers in many countries. They even existed in Germany and Switzerland, but almost completely vanished from Europe in the 17th century. In addition to being hunted for food, it is believed that climate change has also led to their disappearance.


The few remaining habitats are in ruins…

Currently, a few habitats remain in places such as North Africa, but even so, their numbers have not risen. Building and farmland development has taken the place of their feeding and nesting areas. Fortunately, they do respond favorably to artificial breeding, which is why there are more Northern Bald Ibises in zoos around the world than in the wild. In order to return new bred Northern Bald Ibises to the wilderness, we must improve the environment of their habitat.



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By minwool

Amur Tiger – Panthera tigris altaica

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Amur Tiger (Siberrian Tiger) – Panthera tigris altaica


Many conservation programs have been established to save the critically endangered Siberian tiger, whose numbers have dwindled to mere hundreds in the wild.

포유류 Fast Facts:

Type: Mammal
Diet: Carnivore
Average life span in the wild: Up to 20 years
Size: 10.75 ft (3.3 m)
Weight: 660 lbs (300 kg)
Protection status: Endangered
Size relative to a 6-ft (2-m) man:
포유류 Map:
tiger amur
amur tiger
포유류 Further Facts:

Tigers are the largest of all wild cats and are renowned for their power and strength. There were once eight tiger subspecies, but three became extinct during the 20th century. Over the last hundred years, hunting and forest destruction have reduced overall tiger populations from hundreds of thousands to perhaps 3,000 to 5,000. Tigers are hunted as trophies and also for body parts that are used in traditional Chinese medicine. All five remaining tiger subspecies are endangered, and many protection programs are in place. Poaching is a reduced—but still very significant—threat to Siberian tigers.

Siberian (or Amur) tigers are the world’s largest cats. They live primarily in eastern Russia’s birch forests, though some exist in China and North Korea. There are an estimated 400 to 500 Siberian tigers living in the wild, and recent studies suggest that these numbers are stable. Though their northern climate is far harsher than those of other tigers, these animals have some advantages. Northern forests offer the lowest human density of any tiger habitat, and the most complete ecosystem. The vast woodlands also allow tigers far more room to roam, as Russia’s timber industry is currently less extensive than that of many other countries.

Tigers live alone and aggressively scent-mark large territories to keep their rivals away. They are powerful hunters that travel many miles to find prey, such as elk and wild boar, on nocturnal hunts. Tigers use their distinctive coats as camouflage (no two have exactly the same stripes) and hunt by stealth. They lie in wait and creep close enough to attack their victims with a quick spring and a fatal pounce. A hungry tiger can eat as much as 60 pounds (27 kilograms) in one night, though they usually eat less.

Despite their fearsome reputation, most tigers avoid humans; however, a few do become dangerous maneaters. These animals are often sick and unable to hunt normally, or live in areas where their traditional prey has vanished.

Females give birth to litters of two to six cubs, which they raise with little or no help from the male. Cubs cannot hunt until they are 18 months old, and remain with their mothers for two to three years, when they disperse to find their own territory.

포유류 Video Clip:


By minwool

Galapagos Penguin – Spheniscus Mendiculus

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Galapagos Penguin – Spheniscus Mendiculus

galapagos penguin

조유 Fast Facts:

Type: Bird
Diet: Carnivore
Size: 50-53cm
Group name: Pack
Protection status: Endangered
Size relative to a 135cm man:
조유 Maps:
조유 Further Facts:

Galápagos Penguins can’t find food because of El Niño…

The Galápagos Penguin lives on tropical islands. This is an unusual penguin! What’s sad about it, is its numbers are becoming fewer because of the El Niño weather pattern. When El Niño happens, ocean water gets warmer, and the fish that Galápagos Penguins feed on will die. Nobody knows what causes El Niño.

Ocean waste is a big problem!

Many Galápagos Penguins are dying because of people’s carelessness. The penguins can get stuck in fishing nets. They are also being damaged by dirty water in the ocean. Oil spills are very dangerous to the Galápagos Penguins. Oil spills happen when a boat carrying oil has an accident. The ocean is quickly dirtied, and Galápagos Penguins t are in danger.

By minwool

Amur Leopard – Panthera Pardus Orientalis

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Amur Leopard – Panthera Pardus Orientalis


Due to extensive habitat loss and conflict with humans, the situation concerning the Amur leopard is critical. Only 35 remaining in the wild.

포유류 Fast Facts:

Type: Mammal
Diet: Carnivore
Average life span in the wild: Up to 15 years
Size: 107 to 136 cm (42 to 54 in) with a tail length of 82 to 90 cm (32 to 35 in)
Weight: 32.2–48 kg (71–110 lb)
Protection status: Endangered
Size relative to a 6-ft (2-m) man:
포유류 Map:
amur leo map
Amur LEopard
포유류 Further Facts: 
The Amur leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis) is considered to be one of the most critically endangered big cats in the world, with just 35 remaining in the wild, all in the Russian Far East. It is one of ten living subspecies of leopard (according to the most recent genetic study) but it is especially distinctive due to a particularly pale coat compared to most other subspecies, and dark rosettes which are large and widely spaced with thick, unbroken rings. This beautiful leopard is well adapted to living in the harsh, cold climates of its range, with a thick coat that can grow as long as 7 cm in winter. Leopards give a distinctive rasping call, rather than a growl, as their main vocalization.
Amur leopards differ from other subspecies by a thick coat of spot covered fur. They show the strongest and most consistent divergence in pattern. Leopards from the Amur river basin, the mountains of north-eastern China and the Korean peninsula have pale cream-colored coats, particularly in winter. Rosettes on the flanks are 5 cm × 5 cm (2.0 in × 2.0 in) large and widely spaced, up to 2.5 cm (0.98 in), with thick, unbroken rings and darkened centers.
People usually think of leopards in the savannas of Africa but in the Russian Far East, a rare subspecies has adapted to life in the temperate forests that make up the northern-most part of the species’ range. Similar to other leopards, the Amur leopard can run at speeds of up to 37 miles per hour. This incredible animal has been reported to leap more than 19 feet horizontally and up to 10 feet vertically.The Amur leopard is solitary. Nimble-footed and strong, it carries and hides unfinished kills so that they are not taken by other predators. It has been reported that some males stay with females after mating, and may even help with rearing the young. Several males sometimes follow and fight over a female. They live for 10-15 years, and in captivity up to 20 years. The Amur leopard is also known as the Far East leopard, the Manchurian leopard or the Korean leopard.
포유류 Video Clip:
By minwool

Fatuhiva monarch – Pomarea whitneyi

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Fatuhiva monarch – Pomarea whitneyi

Fatuhiva monarch

조유 Fast Facts:

Type: Bird
Diet: Carnivore
Size: 19 cm
Group name: Pack
Protection status: Endangered
조유 Further Facts:
It is critically endangered, because there has been a decline in excess of 90% over 21 years (three generations). The population is now thought to be as small as 50 birds, which equates to just 33 mature individuals. This decline is primarily attributed to the introduction of black rats, which were first observed in February 2000 and strongly correlates with the decline and near extinction of the fatuhiva monarch. Recent predator control has happened on Fatu Hiva, though it reduced the rate of territory loss from 60% in 2007–2009 to 30% in 2009–2011.
By minwool

Edwards’s Pheasant – Lophura Edwardsi

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Edwards’s pheasant – Lophura edwardsi

Edwards's pheasant

The Edward’s Pheasant is a member of the pheasant family that lives only in parts of Vietnam. They are now on the brink of extinction because of war and deforestation.

조유 Fast Facts:

Type: Bird
Diet: Carnivore
Size: 58-65cm
Group name: Pack
Protection status: Endangered
Size relative to a 135cm man:
조유 Maps:
조유 Further Facts:

Loss of homes due to war and deforestation…

The Edward’s Pheasant is a member of the pheasant family and lives in only a few parts of Vietnam. They have lost their habitat due to humans many times. First, the Vietnam War in the 1960s caused major damage to the forests. After that, the forests were cut down to make farmlands and lumber for wood. In a survey released in 1994, their population had dropped to less than 1,000.

Unable to return to their homes in the forests

Normally, deforestation starts in low areas accessible to humans. The Edward’s Pheasant lives in low areas, 600 meters above sea level. This means their habitat is exactly where deforestation takes place. Edward’s Pheasants are easy to breed, so they can often be seen in zoos. But even if the number of Edward’s Pheasants increases, they cannot return to the wild unless we restore their forests.

조유 Video Clips:


By minwool

Chinese Crested Tern – Thalasseus Bernsteini

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Chinese Crested Tern –Thalasseus Bernsteini

Chinese crested tern

조유 Fast Facts:

Type: Bird
Diet: Carnivore
Size: 35cm – 36 cm
Weight: 4.8-8kg
Group name: Pack
Protection status: Endangered

조유 Maps:


조유 Video Clips:

By minwool

Amazon River Dolphin – Inia Geoffrensis

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River dolphins are rapidly disappearing and so are their natural river habitats. Understanding the threats that impact them and protecting them ensures the preservation of their unique habitat.

포유류 Fast Facts:

Type: Mammal
Diet: Carnivore
Average life span in the wild: Up to 30 years
Size: 2 – 2.6 m (6.5 – 8.5 ft)
Weight: 100 – 160 Kgs (220 – 350 lbs)
Protection status: Endangered
Location: South America
Size relative to a 6-ft (2-m) man:
포유류 Map:
포유류 Further Facts:
포유류 Video Clip:
By minwool