Amsterdam Albatross – Diomedea Amsterdamensis

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Amsterdam Albatross – Diomedea Amsterdamensis

Amsterdam albatross

The Amsterdam Albatross only returns to shore to care for its chicks. However, cats and cattle make it hard for the albatross’s chicks to live, and their numbers are becoming smaller.

조유 Fast Facts:

Type: Bird
Diet: Carnivore
Size: 107-122cm
Weight: 4.8-8kg
Group name: Pack
Protection status: Endangered
Size relative to a 135cm man:
조유 Map:
조유 Further Facts:

It returns to shore only to care for its children The Amsterdam Albatross is a large bird

– its wingspan is over 3 meters. It can glide long distances without even moving its open wings! The Amsterdam Albatross lives in the sky and sea Mostly. The Amsterdam Albatross only returns to land to raise its children. There is only one island in the world where these albatross chicks are born: Amsterdam Island in the Indian Ocean.

Cats and cattle interfere with raising albatross chicks

– Cats and cattle, brought to Amsterdam Island by people, have made it very hard for the Amsterdam Albatross to care for its children. Because of this, albatross chicks have almost disappeared. Some albatross nests are protected with fences against cattle. The albatross’ numbers are growing a little, but there are still only about 100 and tens birds left.

 조유 Video Clips:
By minwool

African Wild Dog – Lycaon Pictus

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African Wild Dog – Lycaon Pictus


 Known as African wild, painted, or Cape hunting dogs, these endangered canines closely resemble wolves in their pack-oriented social structure.

포유류 Fast Facts:

Type: Mammal
Diet: Carnivore
Average life span in the wild: Up to 11 years
Size: 29.5 to 43 in (75 to 110 cm)
Weight: 39.5 to 79 lbs (18 to 36 kg)
Group name: Pack
Protection status: Endangered
Size relative to a 6-ft (2-m) man:
포유류 Map:
포유류 Further Facts:   (click to view further information) 
포유류 Video Clip:


By minwool